In this near-future dystopian SF short, Andrew explores the toxic intersection of love, poverty, and corporate lock-in. What if the only person that remembered your life and loves was an android that required daily 'pills' to survive? What would you give up to keep your memories alive?
Coffee Break
No matter how dystopian the future, every revolutionary needs a double-shot now and again. At least, until duty calls.
Blue Light
In this Science Fiction Horror piece, a hard-core game tester discovers that too many hours in front of a screen may not be as harmless as supposed. And while it is possible to tire of pizza and beer, the innocent food of the gods, eating nothing may have strange side effects.
My Work Will Change The World
In this Science Fiction Horror piece, Frank wants nothing more but to pursue his research with a bit more lab space and better light. Maybe an assistant or two. But can his ideals survive contact with Silicon Valley venture capitalists?
The Park Trolls
What if trolls lived under the bridge in the park? And remembered your promises, even after you'd long forgotten them?
The Animatronicals
How does an ethically naive AI, embodied in a child's toy, survive until their owner grows up? In this Science Fiction short story, can Big Bear, Keddry Kitty, and Pinky Dog find the missing Purps before the adorable, but innocently brutal, Little One breaks her?